Tuesday 7 October 2008

1. Discuss both past and current artists and works

The films I will be comparing are:

Koyaanisqatsi by Godfrey Reggio, Telling Lies by Simon Ellis, and Gisele Kerozene by Jan Kounen.

Koyaanisqatsi and Gisele Kerozene were both made in the 1980's where as Telling Lies was made in 2001. I was surprised to find out that Gisele Kerozene was made in 1989 as I thought the film looked rather new. All of these 3 films differ from each other in pace. You have Koyaanisqatsi which varies in pace but is mainly slow whereas Telling Lies and Gisele Kerozene are fast paced throughout. These 2 films are both voice recorded after the film has been complete so for audio they are very similar but the visual side of it they differ because Telling Lies is just text and Gisele Kerozene is stop motion picture, but both are not actual video footage, this is why Koyaanisqatsi is different because all of what we see is video footage. The colours in the 3 films are all colourful, even Telling Lies which is just text on a black background, but the text changes colour throughout. This is why I was surprised by Gisele Kerozene because the colour looked sharp and recent as to that 80's look that Koyaanisqatsi has, but taking in to account that Gisele Kerozene are all pictures instead of video camera footage.

All audio in the 3 films are non diegetic because we do not hear audio from what is happening on scene, Koyaanisqatsi is just music which is obviously put over the top of the footage, Telling Lies is voice over as is Gisele Kerozene but Telling Lies is a phone conversation so the characters don't see each others reactions.

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