Monday 20 October 2008

Film Review

Film content review sheet

Name of film……………

Name of creator or films artist…Daniel Glynn

Duration…1 – 2 minutes

Types of visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

I will use a variety of visual with B&W and fading out to black. Also I will speed up and slow down some scenes. For locations I will mainly be outside from various places, and for the audio I will go into Crawley town. The actors will be Harry and Chris. I will not need many actors for my video.

Types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic , does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

Audio will be a mixture of diegetic and non diegetic. I will be using sound from people in the town with no edited audio. But I will be using music as well.

What is the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

How we would cope in life for the people who feel there is too much noise in this world, how would these people cope if they were to lose their hearing?

What thoughts do I hope the audience are left with after they have viewed this film?

I hope that people will find the video interesting with a good use of audio and visual.

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