Tuesday 7 October 2008

2. The use of technology and techniques and styles

The Girl Chewing Gum was made in 1976 and is in black and white with just one camera in the town with no editing at all until near the end when we are we are taken to a different scene on a field. Not much money was put into this film, but The Girl Chewing Gum doesn’t need a big budget with special effects because it tells the story without need of a big budget, as does Telling Lies because this film doesn't even have any camera footage so maybe they weren’t able to afford to use a camera, and this film was made in 2001, so it shows that even now there are low budgets put into filming, but also shows how you don't need to have video footage to sell a story in a film because you can read the text and listen to the audio, but it doesn't have the same affect. The late 60’s early 70’s were the time where people were being introduced to colour television and video production was slowly building up but the costs were too high for most people to be able to use high tech equipment in those days compared to now where we can use CGI to really make a film stand out in the looks which is what Doll Face is and is why this film differs from the other films because this is the only one to use CGI. Gisele Kerozene uses just one camera for capturing images, and once all images are captured then they are placed together to look like video footage. This is a cheaper solution to using video footage and is more creative and adds the entertainment element which some big budget films will lack because too much has been spent on trying to make the visual side O.T.T. and lacks the entertainment side so even the cheapest of films can still come out on top.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Dan this chapter is confusing, remember that a film may have diffrent reasons to use technologie not just the money avalible, "Girl chewing gum" tells you its story without the need for a large budget or technologie. Remember you need to view these in the context of the time they were created. Koyaanisqatsi was modern at the time it was created? Try and tie these together and discuss them under the same headings i.e. Effects, Styles or production costs?