Tuesday 14 October 2008

5. How these works might inspire your own work

From watching these films, there has been more inspiring ideas. Telling Lies is one of the ones that were more inspiring, because of the text changing from the audio when a lie is told. I would have never thought about using text as a form of truth against the lie of the audio so I think it is a good idea, but some people could find it difficult to concentrate on two things at once, especially if the text moves too fast to keep up with the dialogue. Koyaanisqatsi is also good due to the difference in pace movement, and the fact that you don't need commentary over the footage to understand the concept of the film. All of what I have seen from these films give out ideas for own creations. Gisele Kerozene uses stop animation which I find very creative and I was a big fan of the Wallace & Grommit films which use this same procedure of stop motion but it does take a long time to make. Out of all the films, the least inspiring to me would be The Girl Chewing Gum. There is nothing visually that stands out in this film, and it is in black and white. Using black and white though however is good to use in new films in some scenes, but this film is uninspiring due to there being no editing.

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