Tuesday 30 September 2008

Telling Lies and Gisele Kerozene

Telling Lies is a 4 minute film about a man in conversation with 2 different women and his Mother. All of which are happening on the phone. During this film we do not see these conversations, we simply see a black screen with what is being said used in text. This text fits very well with the pace of the audio, but however not all of the text matches the audio. When the man tells a lie we see different text which is the truth.

Gisele Kerozene is a stop motion film. We are first introduced to the characters who are all meant to be witches who fly around this town on broomsticks. Out of all the films I would say that this is the most creative and took the most time to complete. For every few seconds of film it could have taken up to an hour or so to film so it's more craft based than concept but people could argue with that as there was thought put into before filming began. The audio for this film is non diegetic as the actors recorded their voice overs after filming was done because as it's stop motion, you do not hear audio as all that you see are pictures not video.

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