Saturday 13 December 2008

2.3 Production Diary

My first day for video production started on 23/11/08 and ended on 29/11/08.

The first part filming that took place was actually one of the last scenes, but the location for this was where I live filming the road, and as I started on a weekend, the roads were fairly busy throughout the day so I thought it was the best opportunity to film.

My next location for filming was in Crawley in the town, as the main character in my video is introduced. This took place on the 26th. When I arrived in the town, there weren’t too many people, so at first I thought this could be a problem because it was fairly quiet and the whole point of my video is on noise from people being loud, but as the day went on more people were coming so it turned out well in the end. This was the only day I was able to film this scene as the other character who plays the main characters friend was only able to film on this day. The second scene in the quieter environment had to also take place on this day. This also caused some worry as if the amount of time was spent too long in town, then it would start to be getting dark by the time we shot this second scene, but we were able to do both scenes in a short time.

The next scene took place back at town. This was set to be done on the 29th. This day turned out to be the most problematic because of the weather. On arrival it started spitting, followed by light rain, but I was able to get some footage done, which has turned out to be the most effective piece in the video.

Overall the production went well with only slight delays due to weather and a slight change from what was originally on my storyboard, but I was happy with the footage I got and it was enjoyable.

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