Monday 15 December 2008


I feel my experimental video went really well and I am pleased with the outcome. From first being set the task to write out the Treatment, it took some time for me to come up with an idea on what to do my video about. Once I finally thought about deafness, at first I wasn't sure because I didn't know how I would get the point across well, and I thought it would be hard because I would have to edit a lot on the audio side of it, but this was the only good idea I had at the time so I decided to stick with it. However this didn't take as long as it took to draw the storyboard. I had no idea how my video was going to look and what angles to use, all I knew was that the main part of my video will be the audio and not so much on the visual.

When it came to filming I found it enjoyable and I was happy with what I had captured. A few setbacks when it came to the sound of people in town as I was hoping there would be more people and it would be louder, but I managed to sort that out when it came to editing.

During post production it was straight forward to start off with, just putting the clips in order and playing it through, watching out for the parts that I don't need and then cutting those parts out. Things got more tricky though when it came to adding in the audio, especially in one scene. Before I added the audio I had criticism from the main character in the video, saying he can't see how the video gets the point across about deafness, but once I had added the audio you could see how it makes more sense, therefor proving that the audio is the most important feature in my video.

After finishing and showing the video I got some good feedback from my quiestionnaires.

Clearly showed what video was about.

Good cut out between the sounds.
The beeping was very effective.

Some of the criticism I recieved.
The text was too quick, not enough time to read it.
Some parts of the sound wasn't there.
Don't know what the field was about.

I am glad I have recieved criticism because you can work on your mistakes in future projects, and all the negative comments there I agree with as on the field shot I should have put some text, and some parts of sound missing because I found it hard to edit that scene as when I cut some of the video, the audio stays in same place, therefor I had to move audio each time so it is in sync.

Overall I am happy with what I created and it seems that the point of the video came across well.

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