Tuesday 9 December 2008

2.2 Exibition/Installation plan

Much thought about where I will be showing my video has occurred, but finally made the decision of showing at College on the 4th floor on Friday 12th December. I plan to show through a projector on a big screen, and as my video has text I want the viewers to be able to read it clearly. As this video is about hearing, I want the sound to be the best possible in a big space. When the viewers enter the room there will be no music playing it will be silent to give off the impression of deafness. I will have the lights off so it focuses more on what's on screen and gives off the vibe of loneliness when you feel you have nobody to go to when you have a problem. While the video is being viewed I will take pictures to show my video has been viewed. After I have shown the video to however many I am able, I will then let the viewers fill out the questionnaire I have provided.

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