Monday 15 December 2008


I feel my experimental video went really well and I am pleased with the outcome. From first being set the task to write out the Treatment, it took some time for me to come up with an idea on what to do my video about. Once I finally thought about deafness, at first I wasn't sure because I didn't know how I would get the point across well, and I thought it would be hard because I would have to edit a lot on the audio side of it, but this was the only good idea I had at the time so I decided to stick with it. However this didn't take as long as it took to draw the storyboard. I had no idea how my video was going to look and what angles to use, all I knew was that the main part of my video will be the audio and not so much on the visual.

When it came to filming I found it enjoyable and I was happy with what I had captured. A few setbacks when it came to the sound of people in town as I was hoping there would be more people and it would be louder, but I managed to sort that out when it came to editing.

During post production it was straight forward to start off with, just putting the clips in order and playing it through, watching out for the parts that I don't need and then cutting those parts out. Things got more tricky though when it came to adding in the audio, especially in one scene. Before I added the audio I had criticism from the main character in the video, saying he can't see how the video gets the point across about deafness, but once I had added the audio you could see how it makes more sense, therefor proving that the audio is the most important feature in my video.

After finishing and showing the video I got some good feedback from my quiestionnaires.

Clearly showed what video was about.

Good cut out between the sounds.
The beeping was very effective.

Some of the criticism I recieved.
The text was too quick, not enough time to read it.
Some parts of the sound wasn't there.
Don't know what the field was about.

I am glad I have recieved criticism because you can work on your mistakes in future projects, and all the negative comments there I agree with as on the field shot I should have put some text, and some parts of sound missing because I found it hard to edit that scene as when I cut some of the video, the audio stays in same place, therefor I had to move audio each time so it is in sync.

Overall I am happy with what I created and it seems that the point of the video came across well.

Sunday 14 December 2008

2.3 Post Production Diary

Once all my filming was complete, I uploaded the footage onto a Mac computer with a USB cable using the editing software iMovieHD. As my filming was not shot in order, the footage was all over the place at start, so it took a fair time getting all the clips in the right order before I edit out the parts I don't need.

I didn't find editing too much of a challenge even thought one part in particular where I had to cut out the audio and leave the audio in for the next shot, then cut again for next shot. I repeated this a few times. This didn't take too long to do but was quite tricky. The reason for cutting the audio was because I wanted to use a beep sound in its place as we were in the first person point of view of the main character who has now lost his hearing. I was origanally going to find this sound on the internet somewhere or if they had the sound effect on iMovie I'd use it from there, but I decided to be more creative and use feedback I created from placing my guitar infront of my amplifier.

One part which I was not happy with when coming to edit was noticing that after the second character is introduced, he should have been on the right hand side of the screen, and the main character should have been on the left because the shot before this that is how they were positioned, this will be something I will improve on next time to really make sure to know what position the actors should be.

Once I was happy with the footage I kept, I exported it and put it onto a DVD along with my animatic.

Saturday 13 December 2008

2.3 Production Diary

My first day for video production started on 23/11/08 and ended on 29/11/08.

The first part filming that took place was actually one of the last scenes, but the location for this was where I live filming the road, and as I started on a weekend, the roads were fairly busy throughout the day so I thought it was the best opportunity to film.

My next location for filming was in Crawley in the town, as the main character in my video is introduced. This took place on the 26th. When I arrived in the town, there weren’t too many people, so at first I thought this could be a problem because it was fairly quiet and the whole point of my video is on noise from people being loud, but as the day went on more people were coming so it turned out well in the end. This was the only day I was able to film this scene as the other character who plays the main characters friend was only able to film on this day. The second scene in the quieter environment had to also take place on this day. This also caused some worry as if the amount of time was spent too long in town, then it would start to be getting dark by the time we shot this second scene, but we were able to do both scenes in a short time.

The next scene took place back at town. This was set to be done on the 29th. This day turned out to be the most problematic because of the weather. On arrival it started spitting, followed by light rain, but I was able to get some footage done, which has turned out to be the most effective piece in the video.

Overall the production went well with only slight delays due to weather and a slight change from what was originally on my storyboard, but I was happy with the footage I got and it was enjoyable.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

2.2 Questionnaire

These questions will be asked to the viewers infront of a camera once they have seen the video.

1. Do you think my video showed clearly the subject of loud noise and deafness?

2. Do you think I had a good use of audio?

3. Do you think that loud sounds/music/people make the world more interesting?

4. Is there anything you think I could have improved?

5. Anything further to add?

2.2 Exibition/Installation plan

Much thought about where I will be showing my video has occurred, but finally made the decision of showing at College on the 4th floor on Friday 12th December. I plan to show through a projector on a big screen, and as my video has text I want the viewers to be able to read it clearly. As this video is about hearing, I want the sound to be the best possible in a big space. When the viewers enter the room there will be no music playing it will be silent to give off the impression of deafness. I will have the lights off so it focuses more on what's on screen and gives off the vibe of loneliness when you feel you have nobody to go to when you have a problem. While the video is being viewed I will take pictures to show my video has been viewed. After I have shown the video to however many I am able, I will then let the viewers fill out the questionnaire I have provided.