Monday 29 September 2008

1001 Nights

1001 Nights is a 6 minute film on five woman telling us experiences of war. The five women are all sat next to each other, with nothing but a black background. They all have a turn each to have their say, with only the one that's talking has her eyes open. This makes the woman who is talking stand out more.

There is no conversation taking place in this film, you are just listening to the five women with no questions asked. There is no music so you are only concentrating on what is being said.

The main idea to this piece is about war and death. These five women all share with us experiences of being in the middle of a war, but what we are not certain on is if they are telling us that these events happened to them or if they are speaking for someone else.

After watching 1001 Nights there was nothing for me that stands out for me, just one camera shot and nothing interesting happening on screen and no music but it makes you think that anyone can become involved in war.

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