Monday 29 September 2008


Koyaanisqatsi is a film where the premise is not clear and it's left to us the audience to make our own minds up about its meaning.

The opening title is in black and red which are colours you would associate with death, and the opening scene which was of fire. The pace of the film varies throughout from very slow paced long scenes of landscape views of a deserted land, to fast pace fast forward shots of people's daily routines such as people working in a factory and people shopping. I think this a way of showing how different life is now to how it was many years ago where we wern't so over populated with people and how much life has changed with pace.

The audio in this film is non diegetic. We do not hear any dialogue at all, only music. This shows that you don't always need commentary to show what is happening in a scene, and in my opinion can make you concentrate more on what you see instead of listening to someone tell you what is happening, depending on the type of material you are watching.

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