Tuesday 30 September 2008

Telling Lies and Gisele Kerozene

Telling Lies is a 4 minute film about a man in conversation with 2 different women and his Mother. All of which are happening on the phone. During this film we do not see these conversations, we simply see a black screen with what is being said used in text. This text fits very well with the pace of the audio, but however not all of the text matches the audio. When the man tells a lie we see different text which is the truth.

Gisele Kerozene is a stop motion film. We are first introduced to the characters who are all meant to be witches who fly around this town on broomsticks. Out of all the films I would say that this is the most creative and took the most time to complete. For every few seconds of film it could have taken up to an hour or so to film so it's more craft based than concept but people could argue with that as there was thought put into before filming began. The audio for this film is non diegetic as the actors recorded their voice overs after filming was done because as it's stop motion, you do not hear audio as all that you see are pictures not video.

Craft, Concept and Context

Craft - The sylistic creative side of a project.

Concept - The idea of what the film is supposed to say to the audience.

Context - Where we can take things the wrong way i.e. truth or lie.

Monday 29 September 2008


Koyaanisqatsi is a film where the premise is not clear and it's left to us the audience to make our own minds up about its meaning.

The opening title is in black and red which are colours you would associate with death, and the opening scene which was of fire. The pace of the film varies throughout from very slow paced long scenes of landscape views of a deserted land, to fast pace fast forward shots of people's daily routines such as people working in a factory and people shopping. I think this a way of showing how different life is now to how it was many years ago where we wern't so over populated with people and how much life has changed with pace.

The audio in this film is non diegetic. We do not hear any dialogue at all, only music. This shows that you don't always need commentary to show what is happening in a scene, and in my opinion can make you concentrate more on what you see instead of listening to someone tell you what is happening, depending on the type of material you are watching.

1001 Nights

1001 Nights is a 6 minute film on five woman telling us experiences of war. The five women are all sat next to each other, with nothing but a black background. They all have a turn each to have their say, with only the one that's talking has her eyes open. This makes the woman who is talking stand out more.

There is no conversation taking place in this film, you are just listening to the five women with no questions asked. There is no music so you are only concentrating on what is being said.

The main idea to this piece is about war and death. These five women all share with us experiences of being in the middle of a war, but what we are not certain on is if they are telling us that these events happened to them or if they are speaking for someone else.

After watching 1001 Nights there was nothing for me that stands out for me, just one camera shot and nothing interesting happening on screen and no music but it makes you think that anyone can become involved in war.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Brighton Images

The first image is of a seagull looking out to the view. This image shows a typical British beach where leaving no food laying around is safe as seagulls and pigeons will be there within a blink of an eye. Being able to take a picture of a seagull or pigeon is easy when you have food and you can set up the image much like what the photographer Martin Parr does.

This image shows the down side to Brighton. This is what you wouldn't find being advertised just like many other locations of Brighton that are rough and old looking, the old pier being one of them.

What is an Experimental Video?

Experimental videos are opportunities for students to try out different ranges of video production. You are able to take any genre and put it to the test to come up with an idea yourself to make a video, experimenting with different types of music to see what fits well with the meaning of the video, and trying out different colours and editing techniques. Lots of students will make a video from footage they have captured on their cameras and make a music video out of it, or from pictures they have taken and make a slideshow video. I have done this on many occasions with videos I recorded with my friends then made a music video out of all the footage.